Fans grow concerned over B.A.P. being overworked

Article: B.A.P., news of their Japanese concert "server crash"

Source: Nail News via Naver

1. [+52, -0] A Japanese advancement is supposed to be a good thing but... why am I more worried ㅠㅠ

2. [+50, -0] It's great and all but TS, aren't you overworking them?? Youngjae oppa's lips are all chapped and Himchan oppa hasn't even recovered yet, this is way too much at once. Is B.A.P. your only source of income?? You're going to work them to death

3. [+48, -0] Ah... oppas already have it hard enough, they're barely recovering from the fatigue they have now..

4. [+48, -0] More work for B.A.P....

5. [+40, -0] TS, you really need to stop overworking them. They all look stressed out and you're seriously working them to the point where their bones are being crushed. How about you start working SECRET like that instead of B.A.P. now?

6. [+37, -0] Can't you just let them rest in that time and start up Korean promotions again?

7. [+33, -0] I'm pretty sure their fans would rather have them rest. TS CEO, please stop working them like dogs. Do you know how hard it is to promote 6 albums in a year?

8. [+26, -0] This is seriously pissing me off more and more. Last year, they didn't rest at all after their comeback and then had 4 more comebacks in a row so I thought they'd finally rest and now a concert? Just let them rest
