Comparing child pornography laws

Article: Korea, possession of child porn results in only a fine

Chosun Ilbo via Nate

Georgia state: 5~20 years of jail per possession of child pornographic material

France: $64,000 USD fine per possession of three child pornographic material

England: up to 5 years in prison

Canada: up to 5 years in prison

Korea: less than $20,000 USD fine


"The thing is, we don't even have proper laws in set for actual sexual assault cases so of course we won't have any laws that make sense for child pornography possession."

"It doesn't matter if other countries slam down 1,000 year prison sentences because Korea will never follow suit."

"Did the people who first made Korea's laws make it with their feet?"

"We need to fix our laws... Obviously anyone that watches child pornography has a higher chance of going out and committing heinous acts against children so they should have their d*cks cut off and thrown in jail for 100 years if caught."

"Korea is heaven for criminals. All of our politicians aren't doing their jobs and are instead getting themselves into sexual crimes and all sorts of other criminal activities, so of course they won't care about the law being crap since they need it to be crap to get themselves out of trouble in the first place."

"You could rape someone and not even get 5 years of jail in our country..."
