Actress Jang Kyung Ah makes a (not so) shocking statement about other actresses selling their bodies for roles

Article: Jang Kyung Ah "There is an actress who sells her body to earn roles" shocking statement

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+1,034, -14] Reminds me of Sayuri saying it's a choice... Although there probably are sexual favors done under force... I don't particularly feel sympathetic towards the people who trade their sex for success

2. [+891, -12] I'd support anyone who is forced into it but if you voluntarily offer your body, don't expect sympathy...

3. [+697, -9] Duh!!

4. [+127, -3] A nobody suddenly getting popular = 100%

5. [+87, -3] You have to be 100% certain that the celebrities who 1. randomly come up in search rankings and have articles ranked at the top when nobody cares and 2. someone who ends up with a leading role when they have no prior experience are doing these types of things.

6. [+54, -1] It's probably one of these cases... A rookie signs a contract that has unfair clauses with huge termination fees so they have no choice but to provide sexual favors... and women who voluntarily offer their bodies because they're blinded by fame. The second is obviously no better than a prostitute.

7. [+45, -3] I wonder why I'm thinking of Oh Yeon Seo... She starred in a movie with this woman
