TV: [Knee-Drop Guru] Jackie Chan

Article: 'Knee-Drop Guru' Jackie Chan "I dated a woman for 8 years... We could've gotten married"

OSEN via Nate

1. [+216, -9] Jackie Chan is seriously amazing... He's always thankful for the present and never loses his roots..

2. [+190, -12] If you missed this episode, please watch the rerun. Even if not to listen to Jackie Chan's personal life story, just listening to him talk will help you come away with a lot of lessons and thoughts about life

3. [+158, -6] What a true world star. Someone who knows to bow down lower the more status they get.

4. [+39, -2] The best episode out of Knee-Drop Guru I've seen thus far... to the point where I was disappointed to see it end.

5. [+24, -1] There's a reason behind every man's success. Hearing Jackie Chan talk made me realize that today.


Article: 'Knee-Drop Guru' Jackie Chan "It's difficult to pronounce hyungnim so I call Kwon Sang Woo 'oppa'

X Sports news via Nate

1. [+66, -2] This episode was not simply a Jackie Chan special but one where you learn that behind a person's success lies a strong foundation, unwavering roots, hard work, and empathy for others. What an amazing man.

2. [+64, -3] With every word he said, he acted it out and mixed Korean, English, and Chinese to help as many people understand him as possible... It wasn't only the viewers he was helping out but the hosts as well. I'm not saying that other foreign guests should be expected to do as he did but I think it was because of the extra length Jackie Chan went that Kang Ho Dong had an easier time today out of all of his foreign guests.

3. [+15, -1] It's people like him that deserve the title of world star

4. [+9, -0] Jackie Chan helped Kwon Sang Woo during his rumors.. and he is now helping Kang Ho Dong on Knee-Drop Guru during his biggest slump. He even helped American Steven Yoo (Yoo Seung Jun). Amazing man.

5. [+8, -1] I've fallen in love with Jackie Chan today. He was the most legendary guest of Knee-Drop Guru...
