Sports Seoul tries investigative journalism... for some instagram pictures of dinner

Sports Seoul decided to do some investigative journalism by visiting the exact restaurant Park Shi Hoo and 'A' drank at. Not only did they sit at the exact table they sat at, but also spent about two paragraphs describing the length of the hall of the floor they were at (10 meters) as well as the distance from the door to their table (3.3 m2).

Then they ordered the EXACT menu items that Park Shi Hoo and 'A' ate like (including the exact ratio of soju to yogurt that Park Shi Hoo mixed... 2/3 soju 1/3 yogurt), potato cream steak, red soju, etc... Which came out to a total of $119 for the journalists and $139 for Park Shi Hoo's party (the journalists didn't order the extra bottle of red soju that Park Shi Hoo's party ordered and never finished).

Apparently the entire meal was finished in about two hours.



Article: [SS On Scene] Park Shi Hoo and A's total bill? $139

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

1. [+305, -11] Sounds like this article was a good excuse for the journalists to use company money for a few drinks

2. [+136, -13] I seriously wonder what happened in the 20 minutes they spent in the car to his home. The woman either started pretending to be drunk in order to bite him for money or Park Shi Hoo and that junior force fed her a drugged drink... This needs to be revealed fast.

3. [+118, -44] Park Shi Hoo said so himself that he's not a good drinker, and seeing as how it was his junior that drove the car, he would be arrested for drunk driving had he drank... That means the girl drank everything by herself. Considering that it's winter and they must've turned on the heater in the car, I can see how she'd get knocked out with the alcohol taking effect. As there is CCTV proof that the junior carried her inside his home on his back... isn't this basically game over?
