Park Shi Hoo postpones police summon 100 minutes before scheduled investigation

Article: 'Sexual assault suspicions' Park Shi Hoo, 100 minutes before police summon, he requests for a postponement! Why?

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

Park Shi Hoo was originally scheduled to go in for investigation last night (24th) but about 100 minutes before he was to go in, he released a press statement saying he would be postponing it in order to transfer the case from the Seobu police station to the Gangnam police station because "he didn't like the way the police were handling the case."

The police have released a statement in response saying they will not be accepting his transfer application. They have instead summoned him once again for the 25th.

Park Shi Hoo's original lawyer was also said to be female but she left the case and Park Shi Hoo replaced her with a male lawyer.


1. [+677, -46] He was the one that said he'd be complying with everything asked of him for the investigations, but obviously he's got something fishy going on that he's pulling out like this. I really hope the truth gets out.

2. [+674, -93] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wow, I really wanted to believe him until the end but.... He's just utter, utter trash. Don't ever think of coming out on TV again. You disgusting rapist.

3. [+661, -98] Park Shi Hoo you trashy ba$tard. Take the punishment for your crime. Who are you to think you can weasel your way out of this? You don't have the brains for it so don't even try.

4. [+212, -10] It's so obvious what he's trying to do. The case is already under investigation and he's trying to transfer it to Gangnam? And he changes his lawyer on top of that? Maybe the law firm he teamed up with has lobbying power with the Gangnam station.

5. [+161, -6] Hwa Woo is one of Korea's top 6 law firms and they're known for even turning criminals into innocent lambs in the face of the law. If even Hwa Woo doesn't know what they're doing with this case, it's game over for Park Shi Hoo.
