Netizens only care about quality journalism when it's concerning Hollywood

Article: Jennifer Aniston "Still can't forget Brad Pitt"

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+87, -2] National Enquirer is a total tabloid magazine infamous for generating gossip ㅋㅋㅋ They're always putting up provocative titles to attract people standing in line at American supermarkets. They report all sorts of unconfirmed rumors and alien abduction stories. Just because the name of the magazine is popular and mentioned often on American TV, everyone in our country just believes it -_- Korean journalists really need to check their sources ㅋㅋㅋ They're always copying tabloid stories and spreading unconfirmed news, then finding themselves in lawsuits for it

2. [+36, -3] Korean journalists really need to check their sources... They're making Koreans believe in things that even Americans don't believe in;; Check the facts! ㅋ I could be a journalist at this rate

3. [+10, -0] All of the articles like this are all based on what close associates babble about. None of this would even be news if they kept their mouths shut.

"Hey you three in the best replies, America doesn't care what Korean netizens believe in or not ㅋㅋㅋ Don't get so worked up"


Article: 'Break up' Kristen, 'angered' over Pattinson's lack of response to her love letters

OSEN via Nate

1. [+137, -2] Showbiz Spy is nothing to trust;; 90% of the stuff they report are false. Everyone in Korea is reading and believing in stuff that other countries don't care about;

2. [+71, -16] Kristen, would you reply to yourself... honestly...

3. [+77, -23] She is obviously not in the right state of mind...


Meanwhile 80% of the articles ranked at the top of Nate are sourced from celebrity twitters, pann, and telzone..............................
