Media Play: Hyomin

Article: Hyomin shows off superior body in -17 celcius weather 'perfect line, disappearance of fat'

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+641, -38] It's been a while since we've seen you, you bi*ch

2. [+616, -78] Can't you just freeze to death in -17 weather instead

3. [+373, -35] I clicked on a Jessica article featured on the main Nate page so why am I being led to Hyomin's article?
- Kwang Soo obviously

4. [+45, -2] More like 'perfect re*ard, disappearance of respect'

5. [+44, -2] Stop coming out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6. [+44, -3] She won't know what the true cold is until she's dunked in the Han river

7. [+41, -4] Why do we have to know about this bi*ch's whereabouts? No one cares whether she freezes in negative weather or becomes a sex machine. Just seeing her face makes me throw up.

8. [+41, -4] This picture needs a trigger warning for horror, trash it
