Hollywood: Brad Pitt gives Angelina Jolie breath mints for Valentine's Day

Article: Jolie embarrassed over bad breath, Pitt gifts her breath mint candies

TV Report via Naver

Pitt gifted Jolie breath mints for Valentine's Day as a joke on how he always says she has bad breath.

1. [+339, -14] I think articles like this would embarrass Jolie. Journalist, put yourself in her shoes.

2. [+317, -4] Your breath starts to smell when you starve yourself too much.

3. [+286, -11] I think Americans pull these kinds of jokes often with each other... People shouldn't take it so seriously.

4. [+253, -13] Well someone should tell Pitt to shower more often then ㅋㅋㅋ Isn't he known for not washing a lot?

5. [+246, -11] Pitt: Jagi-ya... your breath Jolie (TN: jola = slang/swear for 'a lot') stinks

6. [+217, -3] Maybe her breath stinks because she doesn't eat... I heard starving makes a weird smell from your stomach come up

7. [+202, -6] Maybe it's because she has six kids... In the time other mothers take to talk to one child, she has to talk six times the amount..

8. [+192, -5] I think Hollywood stars are pretty cool for the way they don't care about articles like this... If something like this happened to a star in Korea, that star would be out on TV explaining and clarifying why or why not she has bad breath ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+190, -4] They always seem like they're on the brink relationship-wise but I guess they're doing fine

10. [+136, -2] Do I really need to know about the state of her breath through articles like this...
