[Telzone] Han Hye Jin criticized for older interview where she talks about blowing off a film schedule to worship

Don't ask me why netizens are bringing back decade old crap...


Telzone: Han Hye Jin skips work to worship

From an interview during her "Be Strong Geum Soon" days:

"There was once a time where I wanted to worship really badly that I blew off work to attend worship. Of course, chaos ensued. Staff started to ostracize me and wouldn't even talk to me... but I couldn't give up worship because of how precious it is for me just because of a filming schedule. After I made that point clear, they started to give me some leeway. I think it's important the first impression you give in anything in life. It's not a very Christian thing to do to give up before you even make an attempt."


"They weren't giving her leeway, they probably just gave up reasoning with her."

"I honestly think she's really disrespectful. How could she brag about something like that? She could wait until after the filming ends to go pray on her own."

"People always say that it's hard for anyone to keep a straight head on their shoulders in the entertainment industry... Seems like she's an example of those who turn crazy the longer they're in it. She should've gone into religion instead of becoming a celebrity if she can't even wait out a filming to go worship so bad."

"Why are people bringing this back up and making her get antis? It's been almost 10 years since this interview..."

"I always knew she was a whack when she gifted Song Il Guk a bible when he's Buddhist... Stop being such a nuisance to the people around you."

"I don't get why people are arguing about freedom of religion. No one's telling her that she can't believe in a religion. We're just saying that she should do her job first..."

"I like Han Hye Jin but she's viewing this issue in such a weird way. She didn't make any 'impression' or make any point 'clear' considering she blew off a film schedule without telling anyone beforehand. I'm sure the lord wasn't fond of her coming in to worship him while becoming a nuisance to others."

"I'm sure she wouldn't answer so candidly in an interview like that if she was asked now."

"Does she think the staff waiting around for her at the set are all idiots? I'm Christian myself and attend church but please let's separate work from religion... It's because of people like her that give the rest of us a bad rep."

"I remember this.. Han Hye Jin isn't really in the wrong because the producers had decided beforehand that they wouldn't film on Sundays but they ended up having to anyway.."

"She should've prayed privately during break time... Why the need to pray in a church? Does she think the other staff and producers enjoy leaving their private lives off set to work? We all know how fast the film set environment moves, it stops for no one. And for a rookie to have pulled a move like that says a lot about her character."

"I always liked Han Hye Jin but this puts a bad taste in my mouth. I don't care about her being Christian but she's definitely not a true actress... There are others that will finish filming even on the day their father passes away.."

"She talks as if everyone on the set actually wants to be there working their butts off or they have nothing better to do with their times. Everyone is working, even if they have sick family members back home, because the film set must go on."


If you're going to comment, please refrain from religious attacks, etc. You know what I mean. Don't troll. Don't be stupid. I will close comments if it gets out of hand.
