
Article: The secret of '7+7÷7+7×7-7'... 92% can't solve this

Source: Korea Ilbo via Naver

Reminds me of how Korean journalists will write articles from content straight off of 9gag... I kid you not. All those memes... made me so sad the first time I saw it.


1. [+146, -8] I get 50.

2. [+115, -3] The journalist is the only one who can't solve it

3. [+95, -5] Isn't this elementary school level??? You multiply, divide, add, then subtract... How could anyone get this wrong..

4. [+90, -6] I guess anyone who can't solve this is basically proving that their highest level of education is elementary

5. [+77, -3] The answer is 50!!!!!!

6. [+74, -1] You can't be Korean and not be able to solve this
