2013 already sees three girl group debuts with three more coming up

Article: 2013 already sees three girl group debuts... "YG, Polaris, and Key East coming up"

Source: News 24 via Naver

Purplay, Heart Rabbit Girls, BBPOP + YG, Polaris, Key East

1. [+314, -11] Fuc*ing hell, someone put a stop to this. We're going to become some idol nation at this rate.

2. [+279, -7] This is why North Korea is advancing in scientific technology over us

3. [+280, -11] We may need idols but we need scientists more

4. [+267, -10] Any girl group that debuts after this point is guaranteed failure. Girl's Day and A Pink grabbed the last train.

5. [+215, -5] Stop with the girl groups... Who's who anymore... If all you're going to do is come out to shake your a$$ on stage instead of singing, just stay home... Even junior and high school students don't want to be idols anymore.

6. [+180, -5] Stop....

7. [+172, -3] I think we can last at least another 5-10 years with the idols we have now.... So stop making them ㅡㅡ

8. [+158, -4] I can already feel my ears rotting ㅡㅡ

9. [+149, -6] All of the girl group debuts last year have failed ㅋㅋ The only ones that survived were Ailee, Lee Hi, and Busker Busker

10. [+128, -1] Girl groups were the best right up until the Wonder Girls and SNSD, the two tops. Going a little further, I'd even add 2NE1.
