Why does SISTAR19 get away with sexy concepts but Hyuna doesn't?

Article: SISTAR19's sexy dance on top of an invisible chair 'surprise'

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+384, -72] The reason people are more accepting of SISTAR having the same sexy concept over Hyuna is because it's just their concept and they have the skills to back it up. Hyuna has the same concept yeah but she gets hated on because of her lack of vocal talent.

2. [+149, -76] SISTAR19's Hyorin and Bora are both talented so even if they go with a sexy concept, they can get hated on but their skills cover that for them. I'm looking forward to them regardless.

3. [+89, -23] Bora's not talented. Isn't she just relying completely on her popularity?? Judging purely on talent alone, kids like her are a dime a dozen. Don't try to justify double standards with talent when Bora's the exception to that argument.

4. [+26, -13] If Hyuna had done this same concept, people would be foaming at the mouths waiting to hate on her

5. [+20, -14] Honestly, besides Hyorin, there's not much to call talent in the group. That's why they keep pushing for the sexy image - because they only have one or two members to cover for the rest. They're the same as any other idol group that pushes the sexy concept.
