'Superstar K4' Jung Jun Young wants to star in 'We Got Married' with Sooyoung

Reader request.


Article: Jung Jun Young mentions Sooyoung? "I want to star in 'We Got Married' with her"

Source: Star News via Naver

1. [+30, -4] He's a total TV noob who has a mouth as a big as Kwanhee... Stop acting up and just go to the army.

2. [+29, -8] Sooyoung's on a completely different level from him. He's just now starting with some third rate cable shows and he wants to work with SNSD? Much too big of a gap. Even After School is a stretch for him. Moreover, I doubt a public broadcast would use someone from a cable audition show.

3. [+22, -7] Who is this nobody to dare talk about Sooyoung...

4. [+18, -3] Since when have cable stars grown big enough to talk about SNSD like this?

5. [+24, -9] I can hear the gears rolling in his head ㅋㅋㅋ Obviously chose Sooyoung since she's the least popular with Sones so he can use her to reach more fame. What a sly young man ㅋㅋㅋ
