[LOL] Idols with hardworking coordis vs Idols with questionable coordis

Idols with coordis who work hard

Idols with questionable coordis

Source: Nate Pann


Quick question to the readers who enjoy these types of picture posts: would you be interested in non LOL type posts as well?

Pann posts a series of these each night and I only pick out the funny ones but there are some non-funny ones that might be of interest like lists of young actors netizens are most looking forward to, unique hair styles, idols who were formerly underground, underrated idols with vocal talent overshadowed by other members, etc.

Being included in one of these Photo Panns is kind of a big deal for fandoms because these posts are viewed by hundreds of thousand netizens a night (extra exposure) and it means you're relevant/mainstream enough to be a regular topic so it's just another way to gauge who's "in". Let me know!