Group article on miss A finally released.... spotlight is still on Suzy

Article: [Star Column - miss A] Reporter Suzy's dissection of miss A

Issue Daily via Naver

1. [+678, -50] It's true that miss A got popular thanks to Suzy but they're going overboard with the spotlight on just Suzy... My dongseng still thinks Suzy is a solo singer and Fei, Jia, and Min are her backdancers

2. [+550, -14] How long has it been since there's been an articlea bout all of miss A

3. [+479, -41] miss A owes their fame to Suzy

4. [+422, -28] Why does the media insist on only picking out Suzy from miss A? They perpetuate the notion that Suzy is the only member worth paying attention to in the group.

5. [+361, -9] It's still nice to see an article about the entire group for a change. They have such a hard time getting in the headlines lately and they're not doing as well on the digital charts as they used to, but it's still alright

6. [+337, -12] miss A was like a breath of fresh air when they came out with "Bad Girl Good Girl" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Suzy is way prettier than the rest of the girls but she's in the spotlight too much;; It's not like she's a solo ㅋ Come out with a song that helps all four shine

7. [+300, -15] Fei's so pretty ㅠㅠㅠ Give spotlight to the other members..

8. [+292, -12] The media only cares about Suzy

9. [+270, -6] miss A got popular because of their debut song, not Suzy. No one paid that much attention to Suzy back then.

10. [+190, -6] Please don't send miss A to America

11. [+186, -12] JYP only cares about Suzy so of course the public is going to pick sides with her

12. [+181, -18] The interview was too basic. They need to ask things like 'Radio Star' type questions. How does Suzy feel on the public's perception of her being a one man group? How do the members feel? Things like this..
