Sponsor photos of KARA and SNSD's bras revealed

Reader request.


Article: Photos of Yoona-Goo Hara's 'underwear sponsors' released... 'What are their tastes in underwear?'

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

1. [+260, -43] Gyuri goddess' expression is kind of erotic ㅎ

2. [+212, -47] This is my first time seeing female celebrities reveal something like this ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+157, -59] I'm trash (TN: for thinking dirty)

4. [+65, -21] They're probably too big for you..? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+56, -10] They sent Goo Hara the wrong size. They have to give her AAA.
