Leeteuk and Ji Hyun Woo rehearse for their army musical show

Article: [MD Photo] Private Leeteuk tenses up next to senior Ji Hyun Woo

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+536, -42] What kind of army is this? Look at how long Ji Hyun Woo's hair is. Watch them do musicals in the army and then make a big show out of it on 'Strong Heart' after they discharge..

2. [+474, -30] Are soldiers taught musicals in the army these days?? It's because of pictures like this that the MOGEF thinks men do nothing worthwhile in the army and look down on actual soldiers. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What are they doing other than improving skills they already have?

3. [+421, -23] Ji Hyun Woo.. or Leeteuk... aren't they both the same anyway. They're useless in the army.. Can't imagine what the reserves must think having to watch them..

4. [+62, -4] Seriously, the army needs to get rid of these celebrity/promotional soldiers. Seeing the length of their hair... all I can do is sigh.

5. [+40, -2] Even if they're going to let them serve as promotional soldiers, they should train with the rest of the soldiers for at least half of their service. How can what they're doing even be considered army service? What are they going to do when we're in war while the other soldiers are out with guns and fighting? Put on a musical show and dance?


I stifled a laugh at that last comment there...
