Actor Kwon Hyun Sang takes a photo with Eunjung and Jiyeon

Article: Kwon Hyun Sang has a surprise meeting with T-ara "You guys are more goddess-like by the day"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+186, -8] They're pretty but they look like they'd be good at stripping on cam and also look like the type to shoot Pachinko CFs while simultaneously rejecting soju CFs for the good of the youth.

2. [+181, -6] "And netizens who saw the picture commented, 'Kwon Hyun Sang looks so good even next to a girl group,' 'Didn't expect this friendship,' 'Yes, T-ara are quite the goddesses,' and 'Looks good together'" --> And who in the world would ever write these comments?

3. [+179, -15] I don't know who you are Kwon Hyun Sang but your only crime is being friends with the wrong people

4. [+28, -3] Look at Jiyeon's cyclops eyes

5. [+28, -1] Look at this guy asking to be hated on
