Positive Dump: Yoo Seung Ho, Sunye

Article: 'I Miss You' Yoo Seung Ho, a gaze made scarier by his innocent image 'he's taken out the sword of revenge'

Newsen via Nate

1. [+566, -17] Seungho-ya, I really like you.. ㅠㅠ I wait for Wednesdays ♥

2. [+537, -19] Anyone watching because of Seung Ho?

3. [+531, -19] Since when did he become such a masculine adult? Huh? You're making this nuna's heart flutter


Article: Yeeun, "Let's be outright with our wedding preparations now" on Sunye's marriage

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+827, -28] Sunye and I are the same age so I really understand how Yeeun must feel. After losing her parents, Yeeun's been with Sunye through everything, and I'd be so happy if I were her to see her finally start the family she's wanted so bad. But thinking about Wonder Girls' future makes it a bit depressing... Although there are a lot of things going wrong with JYP, I think that their artists are pure at heart.

2. [+603, -12] Congratulations on your marriage

3. [+533, -14] I still can't believe this is happening but first of all, congratulations
