INFINITE prepares for a 'solo invasion'

Article: INFINITE prepares for solo debuts? Mysterious teaser revealed

Source: MaxMovie via Nate

1. [+124, -55] All these guys are known for is their choreography so where's the charm if they come out as solos? And I don't think they have the public recognition or the talent to be able to stand alone yet

2. [+92, -39] They should focus on getting their team known first before going solo... There aren't any members yet that have the skills to go solo..

3. [+69, -23] Wasn't one of their members on Immortal Song 2? Sunggyu, right? He was a good singer so he's probably the main vocal. ㅋㅋㅋ I hate it when idols come out as solos and try to act all cool n sh*t.. I hope he does something different that shows his talents.
