Super Junior deals with an accident on the blue carpet

Article: [BIFF 17th] "The risks you take for a handshake"... Super Junior narrowly escapes dangerous accident

Source: Dispatch via Nate

Dispatch ran a picture story basically saying that fans were so riled up with Super Junior's arrival and consequently pushed down the railing and those in front to try and get a handshake from the boys.

1. [+177, -18] It's because it's run by Dispatch that the title is so misleading and controversial. Other articles show that after the fence was pushed over, Leeteuk turned around immediately and tried to help the fans get back up. Aren't you supposed to praise such actions?

2. [+172, -22] I saw another picture where Leeteuk was holding on to the fence when it was about to fall.. I thought he looked cool there

3. [+139, -18] Sorry for being random but Choi Siwon is so handsome in the midst of all that ㅋㅋ
