T-ara to hold a showcase in Hong Kong

Article: T-ara to go to Hong Kong.. 'Guarantee $700,000 USD' top star treatment

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+1,791, -55] Dirty group........ They need to disband

2. [+1,731, -45] Sex machine's trip of her dreams: going to Hong Kong ㅋㅋ (TN: to go to Hong Kong is Korean slang for have an orgasm)

3. [+1,503, -51] Hey T-Trash, can you guys please just stay in Hong Kong forever and do whatever you guys want


Article: T-ara, large scale showcase in Hong Kong on the 18th

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+450, -13] Screw off, don't come back to Korea and stay in Hong Kong forever

2. [+419, -9] Just change your citizenship to Hong Kong while you're at it

3. [+388, -15] Don't promote stupid stuff like this!! If foreign countries want you so bad, then go promote there because no one in Korea wants you guys!
