T-ara releases image cuts from upcoming photobook

Article: T-ara Jiyeon, has she always been this sexy? Explosion of charms as she lays on the bed [Photoen]

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+318, -6] Is Pretty waiting for her camchat boys?

2. [+263, -10] I wonder how much money Newsen gets from Core to be this dilligent in serving them

3. [+238, -5] T-Trash of course ㅋㅋ Always good at anything that involves the bed ㅋㅋ


Article: T-ara releases images from upcoming European photobook to be released on 25th

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+216, -9] Look at their rotten faces trying to look 'pretty', it makes me want to throw up

2. [+158, -37] Jiyeon probably took ramen with her to Jeju so she could cook the eggs people would egg her with in it. I really hate how they keep coming out like this.

3. [+150, -46] Why do they keep coming out? We have to keep pressuring them to disband


Article: Until when will T-ara stop going in the reverse direction of popular opinion?

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

1. [+74, -17] What's funny is that they probably have seen the reactions of the public and yet they went ahead with their comeback anyway and now decide to complain that it's hard reading all of this hate... Did they think that media play could fix everything with their comeback?

2. [+62, -17] Their faces aren't real, they can't sing live, their pasts are bizarre, they haven't apologized for doing something shameful as a group, they act like fake acting prodigies at public platforms, they continue to show their faces even when viewers don't want to see them... Who in the world could like a group like this?? Can't do much but ignore them

3. [+40, -9] T-Trash
