Xiumin's agency struggles with SM embargo

 Article: Xiumin's agency, "Unable to appear in KBS Music Bank... broadcast channel is staying silent, leaving him unable to perform with SM artists"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

[+291, -15] Really makes me wonder why Kim Dae Ho and Xiumin, celebrities who know that image is everything, would choose MC Mong's agency out of all agencies to sign with... was there something special there that we don't know about...?

[+251, -13] So why would you sign with an agency like that out of all the choices you had... Xiumin's image used to be so positive...

[+190, -22] Surely you knew this would happen when you signed with them?

[+36, -5] SM's been infamous for these antics since JYJ

[+28, -4] Didn't SM do this to JYJ in the past...

[+18, -5] How Hybe treats New Jeans is nothing compared to what SM does

[+16, -1] He chose the wrong agency

[+13, -0] Well, KBS is claiming they're communicating. Seems Xiumin's agency is quick to pull the trigger on releasing news. Seems it'll be difficult for any of us to see EXO as a group any time soon...

[+10, -1] Heck, if I were a broadcast director and my choice was between Xiumin or all of SM's line-up, I'd obviously go with SM. 
