2NE1's Dara to take legal action against minor exploitation comments

Article: "Lied about age to date a 14 year old" Sandara Park under s*xual exploitation controversy, taking legal action vs apology

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+258, -4] Just curious, but does hanging out with a minor, gaming, playing basketball, watching movies count as s*xual exploitation? What exactly was s*xual about their relationship? Is the media calling it s*xual exploitation to start a witch hunt on her?

[+140, -5] Wondering about the intention behind the media highlighting this

[+88, -3] S*xual exploitation is such an exaggeration. Do we not know what that word means??? Not that Sandara did anything worthy of praise but I don't think she should be hated on it like this for it either....

[+73, -3] Okay, the media is blowing this out of proportion, trying to make it sound as if Sandara did this recently and lied about her age to a teen to date them.

[+9, -0] A 19 year old and a 14 year old playing games and basketball does not count as s*xual exploitation

[+6, -0] The media is making this out to sound like Sandara Park recently dated a minor at her age right now

[+5, -0] But weren't they both minors at the time?

[+4, -0] This is so blown out of proportion... just sounds like a 19 year old and 14 year old had very G rated dates, why are people being so aggressive about it? And s*xual exploitation? Are you serious? Where's your proof that Sandara slept with the guy?

[+3, -0] Media making it sound like she recently dated a 14 year old

[+2, -0] Sandara has every right to file legal action. S*xual exploitation? What a joke.

[+2, -1] I reckon the comments here would be very different if the genders were reversed...

[+2, -0] I'll admit, it does make me cringe, but calling it s*xual exploitation is definitely overkill

[+1, -1] Let's be real, had a man told this story, he would've been done for
