Hani speaks at parliamentary audit on workplace bullying

Article: New Jeans Hani indirectly mentions Bang Shi Hyuk, "Did not accept our greeting, no manners as a human being"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+474, -54] No manners as a human being, it's true. Any normal human being, even if they were greeted by a complete stranger, would have the decency to stop and at at least acknowledge you by accepting your greeting and then asking who you are.

[+283, -39] Accepting someone's greeting is a basic manner, face blindness is no excuse

[+239, -37] How sad, Shi Hyuk-ah, that you're running your company to the point where Hani's being called to the national assembly. Stop hiding yourself in the US and you show up to one of these yourself.

[+162, -28] Seems like everyone in the company's been ignoring them

[+52, -40] This is so ridiculous ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ is not accepting someone's greeting reason to hold a parliamentary audit over ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+37, -11] Why is the national assembly bothering with idol issues? Does everyone know the audit on the battery factory fire was canceled for this? Shouldn't that be more important?

[+34, -17] Bang Shi Hyuk, stop hiding and show yourself here

[+31, -12] My boss ignored me at work today, I better go sue him

[+29, -12] Can you imagine if the Samsung employees went to the national assembly because Lee Jae Yong ignored them

[+25, -8] So many issues we could be spending our time on, faulty cars, skyrocketing crimes, electric batteries... but we're sitting here wasting time on a millionaire idol who was ignored at work once

[+14, -5] Just think for a minute, guys, if Hybe is letting things get this bad over one greeting, can you imagine the kind of treatment Min Hee Jin's been getting behind the doors?


Source: Izitmag via Instagram

[+178] So Hybe's excuse is that artists aren't "company employee" so it shouldn't be considered workplace bullying????? Hybe, you should be embarrassed..

[+161] What is Hybe even saying? An artist should absolutely be considered "company employee" the f*ck?

[+35] Hybe, I hope you realize that it's because of these "artists" that you have a warm home to return to at night

[+7] What a joke ㅋㅋㅋ Hybe, if you don't considered artists employees, then how about you try and make your own money instead of using the money BTS brings in for you ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+20] What the hell is Hybe even saying anymore "not our employee"

[+30] Is Hybe not basically admitting that they've been bullying New Jeans though?

[+46] Ugh you f*cking Hybe ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ if your artists aren't a part of your staff, then what are they? Look at them running their mouths when they know they can't even explain themselves.


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

[+160] What are we doing to this young friend who's come all this way from another country....

[+205] Hmm... but is this really something worthy of bringing to the national assembly?...

[+65] ㅋㅋㅋ So what is this? Like some kind of school bullying conference held by the national assembly? Is this even worth that kind of attention??? Why is Min and Bang's legal battle being taken all the way to the national assembly;;

[+17] She did a good job 👏👏👏👏

[+15] She's growing up to be a fine adult despite being surrounded by adults who are less than

[+77] Is our national assembly this bored?? They have nothing better to do than sit around listening to a bunch of stories with no evidence? All New Jeans needs to do is show up and say their feelings were hurt?

[+8] You did well ㅜㅜ New Jeans will win no matter what

[+38] This young friend was brave enough to step up and instead of showing her support, you all are sitting here attacking her ㅡㅡ

[+5] So cool of her, I'm sure this was a difficult place for her to face 😢😢
