EXO's Baekhyun apologizes for smoking indoors

Article: EXO Baekhyun spotted smoking indoors... 'blowing smoke at restaurant table'

Source: Sports Kyunghyang via Nate

[+93, -1] It's so sad how pigs don't even realize that they're pigs for following these celebrities and politicians just based off of what they see on the TV screen

[+66, -0] He's so consistent

[+58, -0] Rude as f*ck...

[+47, -0] How many times has EXO been caught in an indoor smoking scandal...

[+28, -1] This is why everyone just assumes that celebrities were all iljins in high school

[+10, -0] I can't stand indoor smoking..

[+6, -0] I knew there was something wrong with his character when he defended his member who was caught cheating~ I've cut EXO off long ago~

[+5, -0] Not news that celebrities are 180 different off screen

[+2, -0] EXO's washed up

[+2, -0] And he's short, too

[+2, -0] Not surprised at all


Article: Baekhyun reps on 'indoor smoking', "Didn't know e-cigs were banned in Macao, smoked out of habit... deep apologies"

Source: OSEN via Nate

[+80, -0] But they're banned indoors in Korea too ㅋㅋ seems like he's just been used to getting away with it every time. No one cares that you smoke, just don't do it indoors

[+37, -0] If you don't know what the local laws are regarding smoking, wouldn't basic manners mean that you should ask someone first?

[+20, -0] No respect at all, sigh

[+13, -0] Please don't smoke indoors, whether you're in our country or international.. just because you think an e-cig is okay doesn't mean it's okay for others indoors with you. It's obvious that he's done this all the time without getting caught and was unlucky this time.

[+12, -0] His excuse is that he took a swipe out of habit ㅋㅋㅋ

[+4, -0] Really? That's your excuse? How much have you smoked indoors on the regular that you weren't thinking about it?

[+3, -0] Didn't know you couldn't ride a kickboard while drunk, didn't know you couldn't smoke e-cigs indoors in Macao...

[+1, -0] Not like e-cigs are drugs or anything, why are people overreacting, so embarrassing;

[+0, -0] Looks like EXO is washed up... unlike BTS articles, all the comments are hate ㅋ


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+336] I can understand not knowing all the laws regarding e-cigs in Macao but smoking in a restaurant is not understandable to me. E-cigs are still harmful to your health, and to do that around others, complete lack of consideration...

[+244] I don't care that people smoke, just please do it in a smoking zone

[+672] I don't really understand... who doesn't know that you're not supposed to smoke indoors? It's like saying you didn't know you weren't supposed to drink and drive... we all know this, so why do you keep doing it?

[+79] Celebrities can smoke... just fans need to stop defending them when they do irresponsible things like this

[+7] Does SM not care anymore?.... tsk tsk

[+35] You should know that as a public figure, you'd be under scrutiny like this and should be more careful...
