Jung Ga Eun criticized for inappropriate post about younger costar

Article: Actress Jung Ga Eun criticized for s*xual harassment for posting "my hands are enjoying this" with picture of her hands on co-star's behind

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,110] Had this been a male actor who said something like this, they would be all over the news with petitions being posted back to back...

[+805] Ajumma, wake up, this is not the generation to be posting that kind of stuff

[+92] Man or woman aside, this is clearly s*xual harassment 

[+686] Can you imagine if a male actor had said this about his co-star? They'd be petitioned out of all of their shows ㅋㅋㅋ

[+344] If this had been a man... he'd be exiled already 🔥🔥

[+176] Can you imagine if the roles were reversed

[+679] She really said that;;;;;;;

[+114] I wonder what was going through her mind when she posted this?...

[+136] What's wrong with her..

[+262] Very inappropriate

[+61] Stuff like this may be a joke between people who are close friends but it gets weird when you start posting it on SNS like this. Just keep it to yourself.

[+34] So hard for some people to just age gracefully
