Lee Jung Hyun's acting in Netflix's 'Parasyte' earns poor reviews

Article: 'Parasyte' Lee Jung Hyun's acting controversy ruining an otherwise great drama

Source: The Fact via Nate

[+311, -7] I wouldn't say it's her acting skills per se, just that she seems like a miscast. The character doesn't seem like a fit at all. Her overacting is uneasy to watch and hard to focus on.

[+134, -8] So low quality, unbearable to watch

[+113, -3] I was listening while my husband was watching and kept oging "huh?" because of how awkward her tone felt. 

[+75, -133] Perhaps we all felt differently, because I liked her... She made me think "only she could pull this off."

[+50, -107] I thought she was great, definitely only a character only she can pull off

[+32, -0] Super awkward acting, her over the top girl crush act turns the drama into a comedy

[+28, -2] The pictures alone look awkward..

[+25, -0] Yeah, too much overacting. I don't think her style is a fit for this...

[+20, -0] Her walk while holding weapons, hilarious ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ she was unbearable in the first episode but she did improve as the episodes went on

[+14, -0] So confused why she kept going 'aish' the whole time

[+12, -0] Feels like a miscast, which sucks because I was waiting for this. 

[+12, -1] I had to mute during her scenes. Her facial expressions and overacting was difficult to watch.

[+9, -1] It's not just her acting, the entire drama is just poorly made;;

[+8, -1] Lee Jung Hyun's acting was sh*t, but even that aside, the drama failed to live up to the original. There's nothing grotesque about it. And the characters are all so flat...
