Kim Ji Won to replace Han So Hee as new 'Chum Churum' soju model

Article: [Exclusive] 'Queen of Tears' Kim Ji Won selected as new soju 'Chum Churum' model

Source: Han via Nate

[+484, -12] She's a much better fit with Chum Churum's refreshing image than some desperate kid with tattoos all over

[+143, -9] Han So Hee: *shaking in anger*

[+98, -7] Love it ♡

[+84, -5] Let's go, our Jiwonnie ♡

[+25, -2] Not only gorgeous but such a great actress. Kim Ji Won has a ton more hits under her belt than Han So Hee anyway like 'Descendants of the Sun,' 'Fight for My Way,' 'My Liberation Notes,' etc. What more could you need from an actress?

[+23, -2] Wow~~~~~~ perfect... Chum Churum knows how to do their job

[+18, -1] Good contract


Source: Naver

[+454, -9] Kim Ji Won is really at her peak right now.. she's always been pretty but she's so, so, so pretty even more so lately

[+233, -8] Han So Hee is dropping hard.. ㅋㅋ

[+168, -3] Kim Ji Won has the better image anyway... even if Han So Hee never got into that scandal...

[+24, -4] I don't even know how Han So Hee ever landed that Chum Churum gig. She was probably their worst model to date. Her private life scandals, the tattoos, even her fake education history, I just don't get it.

[+22, -2] Kim Ji Won is so pretty in a classy way. You can just tell that she's got good character.

[+12, -2] What a way to upgrade your brand's image for cheap to luxury~ this is how powerful image can be ㅎㅎ 

[+12, -2] Seeing their pictures side by side is actually unbearable... Kim Ji Won is completely in another league..

[+9, -2] Finally Han So Hee's bubble is bursting... so odd how she made it this far anyway
