Han Ga In reveals she also hasn't had coffee in 20 years

Article: Han Ga In "I don't drink coffee... last time I had it was for a CF 20 years ago"

Source: News 1 via Nate

[+148, -23] So she doesn't drink coffee, doesn't eat ramen, doesn't eat snacks.. did anyone ask or want to know any of this?

[+49, -2] Why was she selling us coffee when she doesn't even drink it herself?

[+26, -6] Coffee just doesn't sit well with some people~~ it gives me a stomach ache so I don't drink it either~~

[+14, -6] I cut coffee out too ㅋㅋ I don't really see a need for it now that I've cut it out

[+4, -0] I wish they would've cast someone who eats well instead of her

[+3, -0] Why does she act so special~~ it's making me dislike her ㅡㅡ

[+3, -0] Well, the rest of us drink it just to get through our work day.. gotta get through the day to make money and keep our kids in school. We'd all love to be able to live leisurely without the need for caffeine to keep us going if we could...

[+2, -0] Really annoying that she's so blatant about saying she advertised something to consumers that she doesn't even use herself

[+1, -0] How'd she get through child-rearing without coffee?;;; I remember I could pour coffee by the barrel in me and I'd still be so tired watching after the kids;; ㅠㅠ

[+0, -0] I hate it when celebrities act like they're so special and better than us for choosing not to eat something ㅋㅋ..
