Lee Seung Gi and Lee Da In welcome baby girl

Article: [Exclusive] Lee Seung Gi ♥ Lee Da In's first baby is a daughter... healthy birth on the 5th

Source: OSEN via Nate

[+154, -5] Passing down that spoon no matter what it takes

[+145, -7] Makes you realize how unfair the world truly is when evil people like them are able to live happily

[+101, -9] Lee Seung Gi is choosing to cover himself from head to toe in sh*t ㅠㅠ what a waste of all that image he worked so hard to build up

[+87, -6] You'll all get banned for writing hate on their articles so just pay no interest to them, don't even bother with any comments! I'll just say one thing: I hate you two so much!! Soshi Yoona made the best decision of her life by not getting entangled further with him. I support you, Yoona-ya.

[+51, -2] Maybe justice doesn't exist in the world, especially when couples like them are living just fine no matter how many crimes have been committed...

[+8, -0] Tired of seeing them in the news

[+4, -0] Don't care~


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+326] Better not be seeing you on 'Superman Returns'...

[+506] Never asked, don't care

[+273] Feels like his physiognomy is changing...

[+72] Seems like the daughters are doing well in their dramas and all so why is Lee Seung Gi still getting all this hate

[+10] Anyone go straight to the comments on his news ㅡㅡ
