BAP's Himchan finally sentenced to probation

Article: What led to Himchan, former idol with three s*xual assault charges, to avoid jail time?

Source: KBS via Naver

Court ordered 5 years of probation and an order to refrain from drinking above a 0.05% alcohol level, denied prosecutor's request for an ankle monitor -- all due to Himchan's assaults happening while under the influence of alcohol, reaching settlements with his victims, and showing remorse for his actions.

[+441, -6] Can we please swap out the judges with AI? How do you give someone like this only probation?

[+173, -1] You judges are ruining our country~~

[+94, -1] If you're going to go easy on him, why not go easy on the rest of us too? 

[+82, -1] These judges are egging on criminals with these sentences. Rotten roots like him should be pulled clean.

[+14, -0] What kind of country lets a criminal go just because he committed his crimes while drunk? 

[+10, -0] Could the judge have ruled this way if his daughter was a victim? So are crimes committed while drunk no longer applicable for punishment? Judges like this should be replaced with AI...

[+6, -0] Let's just lay out the facts here... he only got probation because he was drunk and showing remorse. Is that not all the criminals who show up in court? Is the judge a family of this guy or something? Or friends with his parents? 

[+6, -0] Looks like this judge should serve his jail sentence for him instead

[+6, -1] Amazing of our country's judge to let out a s*x criminal on probation like this

[+3, -0] I only wish the same upon this judge as what happened to his victims
