New Jeans' Minji posts apology after year-long hate over kalguksu

Article: New Jeans' Minji got hated on all year long for asking "What's kalguksu??" eventually posts apology letter

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+345] It wasn't that she didn't know what kalguksu was that was the issue but it was the way she said it.

- [+17] And so she apologized about her attitude ㅋㅋㅋㅋ what more do you want at this point?

- [+17] Yeah, no one would've thought anything of it if she just laughed it off and moved on but something about her attitude totally came forward in her tone ㅜㅜ I understand it's hard for celebrities to have their income tied to their image but if we have to watch our words, so do celebrities

[+204] She didn't get hate because she didn't know what kalguksu was, she got hate because of her attitude when she clarified it

[+154] Haters have nothing left to hate on so this is what they're hating on now?

[+74] I have to admit, her tone did scare me a bit...

[+88] Is this really worth an apology over...? 

[+51] The hate wasn't about the kalguksu, it was about her attitude and tone during her live with her fans. She was being so antagonistic, like "Think about it, guys," to the point where even I felt uncomfortable. I think she had trouble controlling her emotions at the time because there definitely was a better way to handle it than the way she did... but that's how we all grow and learn, right? 

[+11] Netizens in this country who are struggle in their own lievs always feel the need to take their frustrations out on others... I think that's why people who move overseas never end up coming back. They know you'll get hate here for anything you do. 

[+33] No need for an apology, sigh Minji, find strength

[+11] Minji's too kind ㅜㅜ there was no need for an apology ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

[+3] So what if she got mad? I saw the clip and it wasn't even a big deal, especially not as much to apologize over. This is why celebrities get so much panic disorders...

[+3] It's a wonder how all idols don't have mental illnesses... this is such a non-issue to be apologizing over... ㅜ


Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+98] Some of you need to learn how to read. She isn't posting an apology over saying she's never had kalguksu, she's posting an apology for her tone and attitude towards her fans during her lives;;; Honestly, she did treat her fans with attitude and she got criticized for it, and now she's apologizing for it so that should be the end of that. Why drag up an issue that isn't even the crux of the issue like "omg how can haters hate on her for not knowing what kalguksu is," like are you purposely being dense or not understanding what the issue is? 

BF: Honey, should we go eat gamjatang?
GF: What's gamjatang?
BF: You don't know what gamjatang is? How can you not know that?
GF: Do you really think I wouldn't know what gamjatang is? Think about twice
BF: I mean.. you just said you didn't know..
GF: Well, I said I didn't know because I don't know
BF: But.. didn't you just say you knew what it was;
GF: Don't you know how many varieties of gamjatang there are, how do you know what every single
ingredient is in every different kind?!
BF: ........

[+85] Guys, the hate is not about the kalguksu... it's that she handled the situation poorly; She was giving attitude to her fans. Please look at what you're shielding before putting your shield up to anything. 

[+80] For the people who are out of the loop, she's not apologizing for not knowing what kalguksu is... it's that she was talking with her fans while saying it and when fans were like "how have you never tried?" she got all mad and was like, "Do yo you really think I wouldn't know what kalguksu is?" and was sounding like she was about to fight them, which is the part that she's apologizing over. 

[+70] Is this really worth an apology? Especially when there are idols who have been caught smoking indoors and have never said a word? 

[+48] Yes, I agree that the haters who got on her case about the kalguk stuff was unnecessary, but she does deserve the criticism for her tone and attitude towards her fans on a public platform. She acted like she was above them. 

[+51] The damned strawberry... now kalguksu... netizens just can't leave the '04 line alone

[+50] She did have a bit of a tone but it was nothing to be posting an apology over... but then again, you know netizens were going to drag this on forever so what else could she do ㅠ really hard for these idols...

[+57] Man, if I were her, I'd say anything after seeing people go on for months and months over some kalguksu thing I said just to shut them up ㅠ

[+29] So are you Minji haters happy now~~~ you got that apology letter that you so badly wanted, right? She may be a public figure but she's still young and you just had~ to find something to drag on and on about, ugh you losers


Source: Nate

[+135, -34] She could've just been like Daniel and just apologized the first time like "oops, that came out wrong," but instead she doubled down like "Think about it, do you really think I wouldn't know what that is??" and was trying to school her own fans, no wonder sentiment grew negative towards her

[+67, -13] It was ridiculous to see her glare at her fans while trying to lecture them like that

[+36, -6] I won't be able to forget that clip anymore

[+27, -30] Ajummas be crazy

[+26, -7] It really did seem too much for them to be glaring at their fans like that. That was no apology, she really seemed like she wanted to lecture her fans

[+6, -1] It's hard for me to cheer for her positively after seeing that

[+2, -4] Find strength, you won't last long in this career if you pay mind to every little thing like this

[+2, -5] You guys are really trying to kill a kid, aren't you ㅠㅠ
