Hangeng opens up about his mental health struggles under SM

Article: Former Super Junior member Hangeng "I felt s*icidal after debut... leaving the group was the best decision"

Source: Insight via Instagram + Instagram

[+135] I think the comments are being too harsh. SM was guilty of an unfair slave contract back then, and Hangeng has always credited his experience with SM as helpful. He also seems to be maintaining a decent relationship with the other SuJu members. Hangeng's case is definitely different than the other Chinese members who backstabbed their groups to run away...

[+90] As a foreigner, I'm sure he faced difficulties that we wouldn't understand. Let's please not be too harsh on him. 

[+75] In some ways, yes, he did backstab and run away, but if you look at the TVXQ scandal, it's also true that SM was guilty of slave contracts. I think he's just getting more hate because he's Chinese.

[+55] He had a slave contract back then

[+33] Why bring this up now, though? 

[+24] I remember him during his trainee days, he was so kind... I have memories of him being kinder than anyone :)

[+18] But if you hadn't debuted under SM, would you have managed to create a career for yourself in China? I don't know that you would have gained enough popularity on your own... Anyway, stop talking about SM, please. I'm getting tired of it.

[+10] Yes, I agree that it was unfair and difficult for you... but it's because a company of SM's level took you in that you're sitting here today having interviews like this and making money off of a career in China right now. 

[+9] I did not know just how Chinese he looked when he was in Super Junior

[+8] Aging is hitting him hard

[+3] So easy for you all to hate when you'd all be the first to sue if any company tried to tie you down with a slave contract ㅋㅋㅋ

[+2] Let's be real, any contract with a 13-year term is a slave contract

[+1] Hangeng's case at the time was a bit different in that he was injured to the point where he couldn't promote with the group anymore and leaving the group for an unfair contract would alleviate the burdens of breaking his contract rather than having him stay with the group but do nothing indefinitely. It was something that all the members and the company signed off on.

[+0] All the Elfs back then knew how difficult it was for Hangeng
