French paper calls out excessive moral standards Korean society holds celebrities up to

 Article: French paper reports on Lee Sun Gyun's death as an alarm bell "Korean society requires a high demand for morality" 

Source: X Sports News via Nate

[240, -27] The French have normalized cheating on partners and act like dogs in their marriages, so no wonder they consider us being shocked by an actor hanging out with a room salon madam as "too high of morality" by their standards.

[+112, -10] Isn't their own president a cheater? Really funny to see a country with already a low threshold for morality trying to act like they're above us

[+54, -3] What would a culture that normalizes cheating know about morality?

[+49, -2] Someone tell the French that Dong Gun and Byung Hun are both alive and doing well

[+37, -5] It's not just Korea, all of Asia has a stricter standard of morality. If you're someone who was born in Korea and want to establish a career as a celebrity here, then it's normal that you should be expected to adhere to our society's standards.

[+8, -1] What do you expect from a country that's normalized cheating on their spouses ㅋㅋㅋ

[+5, -1] I mean, what's so wrong about expecting moral behavior from celebrities who choose to make their money off of selling their lives and earning popularity from the public? Why is it only "private" when they do something wrong? Why is everyone acting like Lee Sun Gyun is some unfair victim to a crime?

[+5, -1] Just because westerners don't think cheating's that big of a deal doesn't mean we have to agree... ㅡ.ㅡ

[+4, -0] If celebrities don't want the public to hold them to moral standards, then they should find a job that pays a lot less

[+3, -0] It's understandable that Korean society would look conservative to a culture that has normalized drugs and affairs
