Brian slammed for saying Yoo Jae Suk's feet smell

Article: Brian's interview under controversy for crossing the line, "Yoo Jae Suk's feet smelled, ex-girlfriend's breath smelled"

Source: Insight [2] via Instagram

When asked about his most memorable stink in his years in entertainment, "While filming a show, I was next to Yoo Jae Suk hyung. His feet smelled so badly then. I don't know about now, but I remember thinking that I did not want him coming over to my home."

[+624] I found it a bit uncomfortable, especially because he was naming specific people. It made me wonder if he had told them before exposing them in stories like this?

[+421] He's way too sensitive to the point that I'm thinking it's a mental illness. He's sensitive about every little speck of something wrong.

[+337] He should just live alone if he's so sensitive about all this ㅋ and obviously Yoo Jae Suk's stuck in shoes all day for his job so it seems reasonable that his feet would smell after a long day ㅋ

[+237] Yeah, it crossed the line for me. It didn't seem funny at all... especially because it might've made the people in question feel awkward. I also think he's a bit OCD about hygiene.

[+166] Wait, are people mad because he dared to mess with Yoo Jae Suk? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Jeez...

[+175] Eh, I think it's obvious he's playing up a concept for the sake of TV entertainment, doesn't feel right to jump on him like this

[+189] I guess it doesn't matter how well you're doing, people are going to get mad at you if you say something bad about Yoo Jae Suk.....

[+58] I do feel like he's been riding the wave of his newfound popularity and starting to cross the line. He has a tendency to talk without filter, especially on his YouTube. He'll tell past stories about other celebrities behind their backs, not just Yoo Jae Suk, and it's never positive stories either, talking about things wrong with their personality or how dirty he found them to be. He says all those things like it's nothing. I've never seen anyone do well who based their fame around putting others down.

[+11] Some of you aren't getting it... people aren't mad because it's Yoo Jae Suk, we're mad because he's naming specific people and talking about them behind their backs. Imagine if someone told the entire nation something negative about you without you being there to tell your side of the story? Would you be happy? Just because people laughed doesn't mean it's excusable. 

[+33] I had a feeling he was going to cross the line one day, he seems too into playing up his concept ㅋ

[+46] Most TV shows will bleep out actual names so I was surprised that they just left all the names in. Made me wonder if the editors are trying to screw him over... What could result out of all of this except negative press? ㅜㅜ

- [+3] Not excusable, he's been on TV long enough to know that you shouldn't mention names

[+38] Top 3 figures you should never talk bad about in Korea: Yoo Jae Suk, Kim Yuna, Park Ji Sung

[+10] I feel like he could've just left Yoo Jae Suk's name out of the story... it's not like they're close enough friends where he's able to tell stories about him like that ㅜ...

[+83] There's nothing crappier than forcing your partner to break up with you because you're too much of a coward to say it to their face... He could've just asked to break up without telling her the real reason why (Brian told a story of how his ex had really bad breath and because he didn't want to hurt her feelings by breaking up with her over it, he ignored her for a week until she initiated the breakup)
