Seungri throws lavish birthday party in Bangkok

Article: Seungri throws large scale party in Bangkok... "Seungtsby live son"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+79, -0] Even the way the candles are stuck on the cake picture at such a specific location ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he disgusts me no matter what he does now

[+47, -1] He's actually the epitome of patheticness, of absolute disgust. The state of our fashion, drama, and movie industries are the way they are because of all those blurred-out faces continuing to support people like this the way they do.

[+42, -1] Thailand? I wonder if Park Yoochun attended too ㅋㅋ

[+29, -0] Sigh, what a sh*tty world we live in, that a criminal like him is living so lavishly like this. Such an unfair world filled with unjust judges.

[+3, -0] I can't believe people still hang out with this guy ㅋ

[+3, -0] Sigh, imagine how starved for attention you have to be to live life in this condition

[+3, -0] Not that we'll ever know but I feel like his day-to-day must feel so empty

[+2, -0] He's amazing in more ways than we can explain ㅋㅋㅋ

[+1, -0] Can't believe he's still out here like this

[+1, -0] I wonder what the end will look like for him?... Because this can't all be forever, can it? Living life like this? Wake up while you can, man...

[+0, -0] He may be surrounded by people but I assure he doesn't really have anyone around him at all

[+0, -0] Nothing lasts forever in this world~


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,005] He's probably got a lot of money saved and considering all his scandals, he's never going to recovery his career in the entertainment industry, so he's probably thinking let me just do whatever the f*ck I want now. He will never wake up to reality for as long as he has money in the bank.

[+663] He has too much money than what his actual skills merit

[+598] Surprised he even has friends left

[+425] Karma will get him...

[+254] If my friend had to go to jail for running a pr*stitution ring, I wonder if I'd still be able to remain his friend?

[+310] All those crimes and still only 1 year 6 months in jail

[+146] I'm more flabbergasted at his friends... that he even has friends left at all...

[+271] All of his wealth should've been confiscated with his jail sentence

[+86] If he has any consideration for his victims at all, he never would've thrown such a party or shared these pictures at all
