Jessica talks about how leaving SNSD was the darkest time of her life

Article: Jessica, "Leaving SNSD a dark time in my life... I overcame it thanks to my real friends"

Source: TV Report via Nate

[+153, -0] She sure mentions that group name a lot when the members never mention her... She's always the only one...

[+83, -0] Didn't she voluntarily leave? She left to run her business with her boyfriend, why's she bringing it up now and acting like the victim, calling it "dark times"

[+48, -0] Pretty sure she's been out of SNSD longer than she's been in it, I don't get why she's still talking about them

[+32, -0] She sure has a lot to say for someone who left by backstabbing her group. She wasn't any help for dongsaeng Soojung either by leaving like that..

[+23, -0] But she left on her own accord?? What's she saying..

[+3, -0] It's been 10 years and she's still talking about them...

[+1, -0] You reap what you sow

[+1, -0] You're the one that ditched your team, what're you saying ㅡㅡ

[+1, -0] The SNSD members never mention her. But of course, she has more to lose so she's always the one talking about them whenever she's got something to promote...

[+1, -0] The least she could do is be successful after leaving like that, and yet..


Article: Jessica, "It was difficult to have to follow the majority decision when I was with SNSD" confession

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+887] Well, you weren't a solo so isn't it obvious that you should be following the rules of the group?

[+618] Shouldn't all groups have to follow majority opinions?

[+567] She sure is trying hard... she refuses to admit that her decision failed in the end. She voluntarily left, she broke the rules on her own, she's the one who was coming to group schedules late because of her own solo schedules...

[+264] Can't stand her. What does she want us to do about this now? You're the one who left Soshi and is now using their name to sell yourself like this.

[+111] It's difficult for everyone~ that's what makes you a group. But since you decided to leave that group, perhaps you should stop using their name for your own gain.

[+39] She was only in SNSD for 7 years and yet she's been selling their name to cosplay as the victim for the past 6 years

[+65] Well, duh? 

[+75] Even regular employees of regular companies know that it's best to follow the majority decision

[+56] She's beyond shameless ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
