Han So Hee's book recommendation for 'The Book of Disquiet' leads to it selling out

Article: Despite it being 800 pages of a brick of a book... 'sold out' after Han So Hee's recommendation

Source: Han via Naver

[+249, -7] I have no intention of buying this book but I do relate to her message on anxiety a lot

[+255, -64] I think one of the biggest reasons she's as big and popular in such a short time as she is right now is not because of her beauty or style or even her acting but because she expresses her honest thoughts so often on her blogs, in her interviews, on SNS. You can tell she's got actual thoughts going on in her head.

[+42, -8] Can't stand it when non-readers think they're doing something by trying to hate on her like "reading doesn't give you money blah blah blah" there is nothing more pathetic than putting down someone for reading.

[+28, -2] I would also recommend Status Anxiety by Alain de Botton if you're into this kind of genre

[+12, -4] Now I really am curious about what the book's about ㅎ

[+5, -0] As expected of our So Hee

[+3, -1] What people love about her is not beacuse she's pretty but because she's beautiful on the inside and has deep thoughts. I'll always support her ❤️
