Fifty Fifty's remaining three are seeking a new agency

Article: Fifty Fifty's three members to look for new agency... "We want to become positive influences as artists"

Source: OSEN via Nate

[+263] Positive influence?? They got all the way into the Billboards and had nothing but a path of success left ahead of them and yet they chose to backstab the person that got them there, and they're talking about being a positive influence?? ㅋㅋ

[+182] What agency would want them ㅋㅋㅋㅋ they're just going to end up backstabbing you too

[+126] There are tons of trainees with more potential than them, why would any agency take on such a huge risk, especially with their involvement in a lawsuit costing millions. Their images are beyond repair at this point.

[+95] Rich words coming from the three who backstabbed the only one who got them here...

[+85] You are the icons of betrayal, no positive influence at all! No agency would be foolish enough to take on not only you three but your lawsuits too!

[+19] An idol's career is based completely off of their image, why would any agency sign on traitor-dols...

[+17] Positive what? ㅋㅋ You're joking, right?

[+14] Looks like The Givers even threw them out

[+13] Pfft...!! ㅋㅋㅋㅎㅎㅎㅋㅋㅎㅎㅋ Positive influence????? The only influence you're spreading is backstabbing!!!

[+7] Weren't they talking about setting up their own agency? Looks like their investors all left ㅋ

[+4, -0] Their contracts aren't even terminated yet. What agency would take them? Where is Ahn Sung Il? He should be the one taking responsibility for them.

[+3, -0] Worry about building your own character before worrying about being a positive influence for others
