SM puts Seunghan on pause for Riize promos due to controversies

Article: Riize's Seunghan halts promos over controversy surrounding smoking as a minor, leak of private life... fans enraged even after handwritten letter

Source: Insight + Wikitree via Instagram

[+161] Obviously SM saw that he was rotten at the roots and felt the need to just cut him out before he causes an even bigger scandal in the future. Riize has only just debuted and will probably be going on a world tour soon so they need to make sure they're squeaky clean... Trainees are always told to keep their lives clean and it's his fault for not following it. 

[+97] Anyone planning to become an idol needs to start managing their life from the moment they were born...

[+64] Anyone aspiring to be an idol needs to be like Mijoo, just live a quiet life

[+51] He got to experience heaven and hell all in one year

[+40] I don't see this as something where he should be kicked from the group over. I'm not saying that what he did was good but it's not like he harmed anyone with his actions like some school bullying idols. There's no person in this world who has a -completely- clean past like fans are seemingly looking for. 

[+36] He should be glad Sojang isn't here anymore. He better not dream of ever coming back again.

[+15] I just don't understand why any of that was controversial. Yes, I saw the video in question, and I still don't get it... My only takeaway from this is that there's something mentally wrong with Korean fangirls. It's not like he was caught sleeping around with girls at motels.. what exactly is the standard that fans are asking of these idols? Do you seriously think these kids go through years of training just to play parasocial boyfriend with you guys? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Now I understand why agencies are so quick to pull their groups into international tours as fast as they can

[+15] I personally feel bad that this is the world our society has created for idols... all these rules and lessons, how exhausting... 

[+15] It hurts but it's the best decision for Riize... I hope he takes some life lessons from this, and I'll be supporting whatever he does in the future... thank you and sorry this happened. 

[+7] Eh, some people are just not meant to be fixed

[+6] I mean... all of this happened before his debut... what more is there to say...??? Aren't idols human too???


Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+83] Why is everyone saying it's a waste to lose him...? Just because he trained for a long time? Does training for a long time and debuting suddenly make all the wrongs of your past disappear??? And I also see comments saying what he did isn't even that bad because it's not like he bullied a classmate or anything but are you really excusing public smoking before debut, talking down on seniors on live streams, taking pictures with a minor at a motel? Maybe he could get away with all of this as a soloist but it's obviously harming the other members enough that SM thought it'd be best to just take him out;; What exactly are we so sad to lose here??

[+69] Why would anyone be sad to see him go ㅋㅋㅋ I'm sure SM will just keep him on the backburner before quietly exiting him for good

[+53] What a waste. It's not like he bullied anyone. His face is totally trendy and has that it factor that everyone wants right now. 

[+49] Surprised that SM is actually doing something about this when they've ignored all the protests for Chanyeol-myung and Jongdae-ddy ㅋㅋㅋ Seunghan has no one but himself to blame, should've kept his mouth shut and worked hard to ride the rest of Riize's coattails, and now he's ruined his own future for himself ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+48] Poor members... you're all suffering because of him 

[+36] Doesn't SM have a history of keeping criminals in their groups no matter what? Why are they halting his promos over... not even school bullying or a crime but just over this? 

[+24] Some of you need to read better, he's not leaving the group, just halting promos
