Lee Jung Jae attends 2023 LACMA with girlfriend Im Se Ryung

Article: Lee Jung Jae and Im Se Ryung spotted as a couple at US event, 'dating for 9 years'

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+821, -27] This whole relationship is so interesting to me. But it's not like they have anything to be ashamed of? It's not like she had kids out of wedlock or anything or screwed over her ex.

[+340, -44] She's becoming more of a horse face

[+174, -17] Why is her face getting so long ㅜㅜ

[+225, -114] Hard for me to view them positively

[+103, -8] Let's pour one out for Jae Yong hyung tonight

[+90, -17] This woman was born with all the luck in the world. Born into a chaebol family, married to the richest man in the country, now dating a handsome movie star. It's good that times have changed and they're able to be more open about it now because this wouldn't have been possible with the last Samsung CEO. I hope Lee Jae Yong is able to find someone nice to remarry too.

[+61, -2] She's already one of the richest women in our country, already has had kids, and now he's an international star.. their lifestyle is probably so different from anything we can imagine, and marriage is probably not even necessary for them ㅋㅋ They're able to enjoy life without the constraints of marriage and enjoy their top status as long as they don't do anything crazy.

[+58, -3] They look good together, I wish them well. And they started dating after her divorce so they're doing everything right. Unlike some guys who'd rather just have affairs and side families.

[+114, -72] All I can see in him is a parasite who's sticking to a rich divorcee for the money

[+40, -1] I'd much prefer Samsung's Lee Jae Tong over Lee Jung Jae. He just doesn't have that classy look that Lee Jae Yong as. It's the kind of aura that no one can replicate.

[+37, -6] Jung Jae is rich enough on his own now to meet someone that he can marry and have kids with, no?

[+30, -8] Surely Lee Jung Jae has made enough money as an actor now that he doesn't need to stick around a rich divorcee like this? It's such a bad look.

[+21, -3] One thing's for sure, Samsung will never cast Lee Jung Jae for any CF modeling work

[+14, -1] They're never getting married, seems like a relationship meant for just dating

[+17, -5] I don't know why people are hating on him so much. If a chaebol man was found to be in a relationship with an actress of similar age for this long, everyone would be praising him, especially for overcoming the temptation of dating someone much younger instead... I think people are just jealous of Im Se Ryung for having it all.

[+13, -2] Jung Jae-ya, aren't you rich enough now where you don't have to be dating some woman with baggage?

[+10, -1] Props to Lee Jae Yong for not getting remarried, especially when chaebols are known for not only cheating but having side families too
