Rumors speculate on Lee Sun Gyun's wife actress Jun Hye Jin's reaction

Article: YouTuber Behind Master "Wife Jun Hye Jin was shocked to the point of almost passing out at news of Lee Sun Gyun"

Source: Sports Seoul via Nate

[+185, -1] I feel terrible for his wife... who could ever understand what she's going through. And to have to look after her children in the midst of all this, all the worries over their future. I'd be shaking in anger over the betrayal...

[+82, -2] Drugs and cheating seem to go hand in hand. I'm only a fan and even I'm so shocked, I can't imagine how his family must be feeling right now.

[+63, -2] How is he going to face the rest of his life after what he's done to his wife. The madame of a parlor, aigoo ㅠㅠ

[+58, -1] A crime is just never your own, is it, especially when you have a wife and kids... he's done something that can never be forgiven as a husband and father..

[+37, -0] It's crazy how your life can change just like that

[+10, -0] What is there left to do but divorce?.. Especially against charges of drugs and pr*stitution...

[+9, -0] I don't even know him, I'm just a fan, and yet my shock is so big... who could ever understand his wife's feelings? So, so disappointed in him!

[+8, -0] The oldest son is at least studying abroad right now so hopefully he's able to endure less scrutiny than the 12-year-old son.. sigh...

[+6, -0] You can't even call what he did a mistake, he's just a dirty and terrible human being

[+4, -2] Maybe she knew all along..


Article: Lee Sun Gyun's wife, actress Jun Hye Jin... unfair that the consequences of his crime are affecting her career too

Source: OSEN via Nate

[+308, -8] She's a victim, to both her husband and the pr*stitute

[+204, -10] The biggest victim of them all are the wife and his children. It's important that the industry separates her from his crimes. 

[+53, -12] He probably kept everything a secret from her, it's unfair to treat her at his level

[+44, -14] What a shame, I've always liked her as an actress, so talented too ㅠㅠ

[+10, -9] And yet people were so quick to hate on Han Hyo Joo and Lee Seung Gi for crimes they didn't even commit either

[+8, -7] Why the double standards? Han Hyo Joo got all that hate...

[+7, -2] Is it even possible that she didn't know..?

[+7, -3] It's true, it's unfair for her to be held to his crimes. What he did is what he did, she's an actress separate from his career.

[+6, -3] It's honestly hard for me to believe that she didn't know while living under the same roof... And if she is truly only finding out now, I guess we'll see if she divorces him right away...
