Nam Tae Hyun speaks at national assembly asking for government assistance in drug rehab programs

 Article: Singer Nam Tae Hyun, "It's difficult to quit drugs on your own... we need government support in rehab"

Source: Yonhap News via Naver + Naver 

[+1,800, -182] This is an issue of your own will, why should our taxes fund it? Why don't you ask for our taxes in your drinking, smoking, and gambling problems too ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I assure you, this guy is going to be back to abusing drugs in a few years

[+1,592, -38] You had no problem spending your own money on buying those drugs but now you want the government's money for rehab?

[+613, -22] Did the government tell you to do drugs? Why are you asking them to pay for it~~

[+403] You spent all that money on buying drugs but want the government to pay for your treatment? You realize the government's money comes from the rest of us paying our taxes? You are not homeless or old and weak or even an orphaned child... you have such thick skin to be asking for money like this! Do you think we have all this money to go around??

[+249, 6] We're told all our lives to not do drugs and you went and did it with your own money and now you're asking for our taxes to pay for your treatment, sigh...

[+113, -6] You pay for your own f*cking treatments

[+73, -1] You're the one that took the sh*t, why are you asking for our money to pay for cleaning it up?

[+64, -0] Half this world is filled with people suffering from depression and all sorts of mental illnesses but who continue to live every single day their hardest because they're so busy working to put food on the table. 

[+56, -0] You had no problem spending your money on those drugs, now you want our money for your treatments?

[+48, -1] I'm addicted to ordering food delivery and smoking, can the government support me too? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+43, -6] I know a lot of people have a twisted view on this but this is actually an issue that requires government assistance. Drugs are something that can easily be acquired for a small amount of money, whereas treatment requires a lot more money and resources. If we leave addicts out to dry, we may end up like Philadelphia. This drug issue isn't so cut and dry. Drugs have become a big issue in our country and we can't just ignore it anymore.

[+40, -6] I know it's annoying and a lot of us are of the opinion that these people should pay for themselves to get the help they need, but in order to prevent this issue from getting any bigger, it's important to start by rehabbing those we can. You need to cut the demand for the supply to dry up.

[+36, -2] I understand the annoyance people feel from hearing this from an actual drug addict, but this is definitely an issue that requires government support. Regular civilians are the ones who will have to deal with the consequences of addicts being left on the streets because there's no affordable rehab. The taxes we pay include the right to feel safe. Try to think of it another way... like if schizophrenia patients weren't able to afford their treatments and were just causing crime on the streets. Would you not feel scared and want your tax money to help them?

[+37, -4] It's clear that Nam Tae Hyun-ssi is choosing to use his fame to speak on behalf of the desperation that people feel for the need of government assistance in rehab centers. He himself has gone through the process of rehab and has realized that it's not a battle he's able to fight alone. He knows the kind of hateful words that he would get by speaking up like this but he still chose to do so for the sake of so many youth who are suffering from drugs. He knows firsthand that the power of immediate family is simply not enough and that the government needs to step in now. 

[+30, -1] We shouldn't be blindly criticizing him right now... It's important that people don't do drugs at all but it's also important that those who've done it are allowed a path back.. and if they aren't able to do it themselves, the country needs to step in and help. Just throwing these people in jail doesn't solve anything. 

[+28, -0] These people choose to do something they're told not to do and then blame the government and society when things go wrong

[+20, -4] He's trying to fix his life, let's please not be so harsh on him

[+15, -3] If you think about it... the government already spends our taxes on housing and feeding criminals in jail. Why not spend that money on helping them get better and rehab their lives? Drug addicts just simply need a different type of support from the government, but support is support. The government is not free from blame if they chose to turn a blind eye to their people suffering from depression and resorting to drugs...
