Lee Sun Gyun shows up for police investigations and drug test

 Article: Lee Sun Gyun puts his head down, refuses to give statement... simple exam test results 'negative'

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

[+986, -24] He was one of my favorite actors, which makes the disappointment so much greater..

[+528, -33] Such a bitter feeling to see this happening to your favorite actor. I really think it's because these celebrities make so much money that they don't know what to do with themselves anymore. They either need to get their pay lowered or taxed heavily. And make sure drug criminals are banned from CFs and TV appearances for life!

[+261, -5] I hope he feels it to his bones just how much love he had from the public all this time... none of us ever thought we'd be seeing him like this... agh, it's still frustrating to me

[+125, -0] He's thinking of his family now but why didn't he think of them when he was doing the drugs, when he was visiting the madame's home...

[+65, -2] Never in my life did I think I'd be seeing Lee Sun Gyun of all people standing in a police photo line... you truly don't know what life will bring you. He ruined his own life so what else can there be said, but what did his wife and children do to deserve this???

[+46, -4] He better not commit s*icide

[+43, -1] They're all actors at the end of the day ㅋ.. can't trust any of them. Do you really think he's feeling "sorry" to his family right now when he's always been the kind of person to be in and out of a madame's house like that? ㅋ

[+44, -7] I'm going crazy with how my heart is breaking over the fact that he's an actor I really loved and that this is all happening... what of your kids and wife... it breaks my heart as if they're my own family. This is all so frustrating.

[+39, -2] I've never been as upset over a celebrity scandal as much as this... just why, why did you have to do this

[+45, -12] I was worried.. and I feel relieved that he's not running away like a coward and is facing the public with an apology. He's committed a crime so it's time to pay the consequences and live his life in reflection while dedicating the rest of his life to his family in forgiveness...

[+31, -0] Whenever I saw other celebrities get into scandals, it was always this feeling of, "I knew it would happen with you" or "Didn't really expect any better from you" but seeing someone who none of us had any inkling of makes the impact feel so much harder. We always talk about how celebrities can't be trusted with just their on screen personas but this really drives it home.


Source: Nate

[+98, -1] Philopon leaves your system after a week. He tested 9 days after the allegations so of course the results are saying negative. The only results to be believed are from a thorough examination.

[+65, -0] Only results from a thorough exam are real

[+41, -8] Well, he submitted his phone for evidence, which already puts him leagues beyond other criminals

[+10, -0] Even if he tests negative for drugs, it's already a fact that he was visiting parlors so... there's no way back from that

[+7, -1] Just want to point out that Joo Ji Hoon and Toilet Yoochun both tested negative on their simple exams too ㅎ you gotta wait for the thorough exams

[+5, -0] Even if he tests negative, the fact that he had an affair will call his morals into question for the rest of his life

[+4, -0] He's really bringing up his family and trying to use them as his shield

[+4, -1] Even while complying with the police, he refuses to say he didn't do drugs verbally. If he was truly innocent, he should be jumping around in front of the cameras denying everything because this would all be so unfair, and yet..

[+3, -0] Even if all results come back negative, he was already in and out of a parlor. His image is done for. 

[+3, -0] Who cares about these simple tests... you gotta wait for the thorough tests

[+3, -0] Simple tests only test for whatever's in your system for up to a week. It's ridiculous that he's even being tested this late.

[+2, -0] The drug stuff is up in the air but he's already proven that he's a regular at parlors just by the fact that he was blackmailed, so his image is done...


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+284] His wife is so in shock to the point of passing out but holding on for the sake of their children

[+265] I just feel so bad for your wife and kids. You better make it up to them for the rest of their lives by making them vongole pasta.

[+87] The pr*stitution is what is more disappointing than the drug use in all of this... and I'm sure his wife feels the same...

[+21] This is for the best. To just admit to your wrongs like this... It'll be better for him to admit it all now than deny it till you're blue in the face just to comeback after waiting six months to a year. We all know he's going to come back. Celebrities always do. But it's how that process plays out that's important.

[+36] I feel bad for his family... he may have chosen this life, but his family didn't

[+95] So why, just why ㅠㅠ what were you lacking to want to blow it up like this ㅠㅠ

[+45] He better not utter another word about his family again 🤨

[+49] My Yakjusshi... 😢 (yak = drug)


Article: Wife Jun Hye Jin rushedly sent her second off to study abroad after husband Lee Sun Gyun's drug scandal

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+168] I doubt that she didn't know.. but she's a mother in the end, one who has to look out for her children. I'm sure it was difficult for her to have to do this.. especially with the shock. I hope she's looking after her health as well.. 😢

[+112] I would've done the same, I would want to protect my children first. She's a mother, one who has to put them first. I feel so bad for her life, all because of her husband 😢

[+36] Let's please not report on intimate details of the children. Their lives do not need to be impacted by their father's wrongs ㅠㅜ

[+61] We do not need updates on the children's lives ㅜㅜ just focus on Lee Sun Gyun-ssi..

[+18] Obviously the kids are old enough to be on the internet and know what's going on but it would still be better for them to stay out of Korea where reporters can't harass them and classmates can't keep asking them about details.. Whether he's going to a boarding school or having a sitter stay with him, I'm sure his mother has his best interests at heart. 

[+72] She sold her building recently, too. I think she's been making moves, and that's a good thing. At least one partner should be living in reality ㅠㅠ aigoong

[+61] How devastating to think that those kids had grown up all their lives boasting about how their father is Lee Sun Gyun

[+14] The mother is so strong... she's already doing her best to protect her kids from all of this. Lee Sun Gyun is so immature.
