Karina criticized for saying "there are a lot of other K-Pop groups don't work well together"

Article: Karina's statement causes netizen debate, "There aer a lot of K-Pop groups that fight and don't get along"... "Careless vs Not problematic"

Source: Sports Chosun via Nate

[+50, -11] All she had to say was that her own team gets along and are close friends. There was no need to compare themselves to other groups like that. It's unnecessary ㅡㅡ because it's not like we expect all groups of people to get along perfectly all the time when we're only human

[+35, -7] What she said was unnecessary. Having a group of people together will usually result in bickering at some point. It's about how you resolve those issues that matter in the end.

[+30, -5] Why couldn't she just stick to talking about her team? Why grab other groups by the hair like that;; she's the kind of person that you don't really want to get close to in real life

[+25, -8] I was shocked seeing her pre-surgery photo ㅠㅠ I wanted to believe that she was natural

[+21, -5] It is indeed careless of her to put down other groups like that just to make her own group sound better

[+3, -5] Not sure why people are making such a big deal out of this when she didn't even name a specific group??

[+2, -1] I've never seen someone who puts down others like this to make themselves look better to be a good person

[+2, -0] So which groups are they? ㅋ
