Details of a possible affair come to light amidst Lee Sun Gyun's drug charges

Article: Lee Sun Gyun booked for charges of smoking m*rijuana at home of owner of an entertainment parlor

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

[+1,631, -6] It takes decades to rise this high but just a day to fall back down

[+732, -12] So the headlines are focusing on just the m*rijuana but the actual article says that he is also being charged for abusing various other drugs with this woman.. Seems like he was meant to be divorced all along. Why was he even in her home? What a terrible man.

[+633, -10] Drugs with a pr*stitute... he's really taken himself to the ends of the earth with this one

[+395, -17] How scary that such a man can exist... He gussied up his image so well that not one of us thought he was capable of something so terrible. Truly goes to show that celebrity images shouldn't be believed.

[+260, -0] This is seriously 100 times more shocking than Yoo Ah In

[+212, -3] The fact that his wife is also a celebrity, that he's brought his kids out to public movie festivals... why would he live his life like this? Why would you naively believe that secrets can be kept forever? If you were going to live such a heinous life, at least keep your face out of the public... Jun Hye Jin finally seemed like she was getting her break as a lead and now you're tainting her career with this?

[+202, -0] So not only did he do drugs, but he was also cheating on his wife ㅋㅋ with a 29 year old woman... aigoo, why would you do this as a husband and father?

[+216, -16] He is exceeding everything beyond our imaginations... tsk tsk... I highly doubt it was just m*rijuana that he was smoking in there... I feel terrible for your family.

[+130, -3] A married man doing drugs in the home of a pr*stitute... this is not shieldable. Get on the floor and beg for forgiveness and retire your career immediately.


Article: Lee Sun Gyun's blackmailer was the owner of the entertainment parlor... they had 10 phone calls this year

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+399, -8] If your wife asks you for divorce, you have nothing to say... give the kids over to your wife and every cent you own... You are facing down a crazy path of fees and expenses for all the movie and CF contracts that you will owe now. What a great example of how hard it is to build yourself up but how it only takes a moment for it to all come crashing down.

[+166, -5] It's not like he debuted to superstardom... he went through his own period of nameless struggles, it's truly so pathetic that he would let his efforts turn to dust like this. How many celebrities has he seen lose their careers over a careless moment like this?? 

[+159, -10] Basically sounds like the focus of his crime was more on having an affair and the drugs was just a side thing for them. This is different from Yoo Ah In's scandal. 

[+97, -2] For someone with so much wealth and honor, with a beautiful family... how embarrassing to be outed like this.

[+61, -7] So he was cheating too?

[+23, -0] How rotten the wife must feel right now ㅠ

[+23, -0] It's game over if he was already hanging out at her home like this. 

[+22, -1] I don't even want to imagine how dirty you are as a person if you were hanging out not just at the parlor but at the owner's home ㅋㅋㅋ;


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+347] What is his wife supposed to do now?

[+184] This is more shocking than Yoo Ah In because Lee Sun Gyun has always played up this image as being a family man, as letting his wife rule with an iron fist;; to hear that he was not only doing drugs but doing it at the home of a pr*stitute is... celebrity images cannot be trusted.

[+169] I always thought something felt very off when Lee Sun Gyun said he was going to Cannes and Jun Hye Jin was not aware of it...

[+160] I feel bad for his wife and kids

[+120] Ah ㅠㅠ he was seriously one of my favorite actors

[+317] The drugs alone was shocking enough, but to now find out that he was also doing it with a pr*stitute, I'm going to throw up

[+103] If you're so rich, why not just spend your time golfing and hanging out at saunas... why would you do this

[+149] If us fans are this disappointed, I can't imagine how upset his wife is...

[+162] "Multiple drugs with a staff member of a parlor" he's trash that cannot be recycled. His wife is also an actress, how does he expect her to ever stand before the public again? How embarrassing must this be for his own children, this humiliation?

[+27] So this ba$tard had the audacity to cheat on top of all of this?

[+25] I always loved watching reruns of 'Coffee Prince' every summmer... I suppose they'll stop rerunning it now...

[+29] This guy is worse than Yoo Ah In. Drugs with room salon women... utter disappointment...

Article: When asked if he did drugs, Lee Sun Gyun replies, "Difficult for me to answer this yet"

Source: EVeryday Economy via Naver

[+1,271, -10] Difficult to answer yet = I will confirm anything once evidence is released, but will deny everything if there is no evidence

[+791, -11] He obviously did the drugs which is why he's refusing to outright deny the usage. If he truly did not do the drugs, then he just needs to say it outright instead of spinning in circles like this. 

[+245, -9] Difficult to answer = he did it

[+149, -3] Please just confess honestly and beg for forgiveness from your co-stars and fans... that's the most realistic solution for you right now...

[+42, -0] So he's still waiting to test the waters, eh?

[+38, -0] What kind of reply is this??? Either you did it or you didn't, what's so difficult about answer the question?????? What he's saying is basically "I will admit it if the police find something on me, but will deny it if they don't" what an odd person.......

[+33, -1] Difficult to answer = I did the drugs so long ago that it may not show up on test results so I'm going to wait and see before confirming anything

[+23, -1] How does he not know whether he did drugs or not? What a disappointment of a human being.

[+14, -0] If you truly didn't do something, you'd normally just say you didn't do it... His response definitely sounds like he's waiting around for the test results before deciding on his direction then.
