Riize's coordi called into question again

Article: Coordi is their anti? SM's new boy group Riize's styling called into question

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+315] Their hair style is seriously so bad, they look like a Japanese idol group from 2010

[+212] I suppose it's a form of noise marketing for them. They'll come out with normal hair and styling later and be like "surprise!" and get even more media attention for exceeding expectations. SM's no fool to this stuff, it's all a part of their marketing plan.

[+119] Why? I think it's trendy. They look like the male version of New Jeans..

[+95] I don't care about any of this, just do something about the problematic members

[+42] Am I the only one who likes it? This is what's trending nowadays

[+23] SM, please listen to the fans for once..

[+5] The picture quality makes me feel like my screen's foggy..

[+4] Let them be, this isn't the first time SM fails to deliver. But once they decide to get their act together, you know they go crazy.

[+3] Doesn't look all that different from the trendy looks I see on Instagram these days ㅋㅋ but maybe it's because they're handsome already that they're able to pull it off ㅋㅋ

[+2] Whoever took their picture did not wipe their lens 🤣🤣

[+1] I think the pictures are meant to look fuzzy

[+1] They look like male idols from Japan in the '80s

[+1] Looks straight out of 2009 Japan
